Music seminar given by Color Tango

The tango and his evolution (1880-1955). Stages and styles.

We have developed a Music Seminar for Tango Dancers. It is a Workshop that lasts 1:45 hs. The goal of this workshop is to explain the birth of the tango and his developing as a musical genre, considering the different stages of his evolution and describing the social situation in each age from 1880 to 1955. The stages are: “Prehistory”,“Old Guard”, “Canonic Tango Stage” and “The 40’s Guard”.

The narration is intercalated with musical examples in which we show the different ways of playing including, solos, duets, trios quartets sextets and orchestras like De Caro, Fresedo,
D’Arienzo, Troilo, Pugliese. We also play the early tango with guitar and clarinet in old style.

This workshop is not a dance class. Its objective is instead to make the participants learn some characteristics of the musical genre they use to dance by finding the keys of the tango evolution and also dancing music from different stages and styles during the class. The attendants can listen, dance or both, all the musical examples. All the musicians of the orchestra participate in the workshop and they explain specific characteristics of their instruments related to the genre. It can be given during the afternoon, before a theater performance.

This workshop was presented in Amsterdam, Stockholm, Helsinborg, Copenhagen and Los Angeles with great success.
